Chula Vista Family Law, Divorce & Bankruptcy Attorney
Experienced Chula Vista & San Diego Divorce & Bankruptcy Law Attorney
If your family is falling apart or your finances are failing, you probably feel overwhelmed. You need an attorney who will take the fear out of the legal process and guide you through this difficult time.
I am Chula Vista, California, family law and divorce attorney Victor Mordey. For over 20 years, I have worked with people in need of financial and family law help, including individuals, couples and families. I have built a reputation for results. If you need a fresh start, you can achieve it with help from my law office.
Get A Fresh Start In Your Financial & Family Life
I use legal knowledge and client commitment to achieve results in the practice areas of:
- Family Law & Divorce — including contested and high net-worth divorce, military divorce, child custody and child support issues, property division, spousal support/alimony, modifications and enforcement, move-away cases, grandparents’ rights, family law appeals and both national and international child abduction
- Family Law Appeals — experienced, reputable and proven representation in family law appeals; learn more about important appellate deadlines and how appeals work
- Personal Bankruptcy — including Chapter 7, foreclosures, loan modifications, debt relief and consolidation
- Divorce and Bankruptcy — effectively navigating the interaction between family law and bankruptcy for the benefit of my clients
I provide honest answers to your questions. I have strategies to discuss with you that can help put your crisis behind you so you can move forward with your life. I encourage an atmosphere of candor and confidentiality. I provide personal attention. You will work with me personally throughout your case. Together, we can accomplish the fresh start you deserve.
Contact My Chula Vista Office
Call lawyer Victor Mordey. Messages left after business hours will be promptly returned. Contact us to schedule your appointment. I speak, read, and write Spanish fluently for the benefit of my Spanish-speaking clients.
I offer cost-effective representation including payment plans and low retainers. Credit cards accepted.
Learn how you can use the interaction between family law and bankruptcy to your advantage.

Practice Areas
- Family Law
- Ley Familiar
- Divorce
- Divorcio
- Divorce & Bankruptcy
- Divorcio y Bancarrota
- Child Custody
- Custodia de Menores
- Child Support
- Manutención de Menores
- Spousal Support / Alimony
- Abogado Experto en Manutención de Esposo/a
- Property Division
- División de Propiedad
- Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs)
- Abogado QDRO en Chula Vista
- Grandparents’ Rights
- Derecho de Abuelos
- Military Divorce & Family Law
- Divorcio Militar y Ley Familiar
- Move Aways / Parental Relocation
- Traslado de Niño
- Child Abduction / Hague Convention
- Secuestro de Niño / Convención de La Haya
- Alternatives to Appeals
- Alternativas a Apelaciones
- Family Law Appeals
- Apelación de Ley Familiar
- Appellate Deadlines & When to File
- Plazo Para Solicitar Apelación y Cuándo Solicitar
- How Appeals Work
- Cómo Funcionan las Apelaciones
- Hiring an Appellate Attorney
- Contrate a un Abogado de Apelaciones con Práctica en Ley Familiar en San Diego
- Importance of Preparing for Appeal
- La Importancia de Prepararse para una Apelación al Nivel de la Corte de Primera Instancia Chula Vista
- Published Cases
- Casos Publicados
- Why File for Bankruptcy?
- Por Qué Solicitar una Bancarrota?
- Personal Bankruptcy
- Bancarrota Personal
- Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
- Bancarrota Capítulo 7
- Divorce & Bankruptcy
- Divorcio y Bancarrota
- Debt Relief & Consolidation
- Alivio y Consolidación de Deuda
- Foreclosures
- Embargo de Casa
- Loan Modification
- Modificación de Préstamo